Portfolio Assignments for the 2021 Executive Committee

Bill Rheaume

President, Skål International 

I am honored to serve as your new President for 2021, and I anticipate another challenging year as we continue to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic.

However, I am energized by the quality and depth of the 2021 Executive Committee and Board, and we will have many items to address as a Team. 

In assigning the portfolios, I took into consideration individual skill sets while also keeping in mind that I believe it is healthy for the Executive Committee to experience different positions through their term in office. We will also continue the Membership Engagement assignments for each of the Executive Board members, as this has proven to be very successful. 

With one Director position vacant, I have chosen not to assign the Membership Development Portfolio. Between the able services provided by the Secretariat’s Sandra Vera together with the Executive Board’s membership engagement responsibilities, we will be able to provide the necessary member initiatives, support, and services. 

I am also adding a new Portfolio for 2021 – “Innovation, Technology, (including digital platforms) and Organizational Structure”. This new Portfolio will be responsible for supporting our D.T. and technology as well as leveraging our statistical data, adding value to our member process and allowing us to make more informed decisions while advancing the synergies between Skål International, National Committees and Clubs.

Bill Rheaume


Membership Engagement:
Canada, Caribbean & Africa

Burcin Turkkan

Senior Vice President

PR, Communications,
& Social Media

Membership Engagement:
USA, South & Eastern Europe and Turkey

Fiona Nicholl

Vice President

Innovation, Technology, Digital/Online Platforms and Organizational Structure

Membership Engagement:

Juan Steta


Statutes and By-Laws

Membership Engagement:
Mexico, North and South Latin America

Marja Eela-Kaskinen



Membership Engagement:
Scandinavia, Northern & Central Europe, Ireland, and the UK.

Denise Scrafton

ISC President

Membership Engagement:
Australia, New Zealand & Oceania

Daniela Otero